New Website
Thursday, February 10, 2011 |
new website
Check out AIOFIA (Adventures in Odyssey Information For Anyone.) It's a cool Odyssey website with links, contest page, blog, and more. Click on the link and comment on the blog, so the webmaster knows you've found the site. If I can figure the RSS stuff out, I'll put it in the blog list so you can see when he does a new post..
BTW, if you haven't listened to the first ep. of #53 go to CBD and download it for free. It's awesome! And the last character you would expect to be in it is, but I won't tell you who unless you comment and tell me you want to know who, which you probably don't and won't. :) That's all for now.
I already know who's in it, unless we're thinking of two different people. Is it the nephew of the person everyone thought was going to return?
Umm, sorry I don't understand what you just said. :) The nephew of who? The guy who came back is the grandson of a prominent Odyssey character. Have you heard it?
I have heard the whole thing! The person who is coming back is ________________!!! I know that's amazing isn't it!!! I wasn't expecting ________ to be in either. I had hoped that __________ would be in it but you can't have it all. :-P
lol, OK Tim. :) I hope Jason comes back!
Ok I was being silly I know. I can confirm that the grandson is on it and I could confirm or not confirm that Jason was in it but I don't think I will. I'll keep you in suspense. One thing I will say is that the original AREM is not in it which is a real bummer.
You mean you've heard the whole album?! I thought you meant the whole first episode. Oh, you are so lucky! :)
Yep I sure have and I thoroughlly enjoyed it! *Pauses to gloat* I highly recommend it to any AIO fan.
Yeah, I can't wait to hear the rest if it!
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