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My review for "Mystery of the Clock Tower"

Monday, October 4, 2010  | 

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Here's my review for "Mystery of the Clock Tower:"

Things I Liked:
  • I liked the story behind this story.
  • How Alicia and Michael both told the story.

Things I Disliked:
  • Andre Stojka as the voice of Whit, mostly 
  • I have mixed feelings about the mayor, Spencer Hicks.  Margaret Faye made some of the episodes really good, even though she was obnoxious and politically correct.
  • The end of this episode sound's like something you'd read on the back of a Ted Dekker book. "A wedding veil hanging in a dark, deserted room, with a clock counting down to 11:45 and a lost love."
  • This episode is a mystery, hence the Novacom Saga-sounding music.
  • I think that Andrew may be involved with the mystery somehow.  His scene would be completely unnecessary, otherwise.
I'll give this episode a 31/2 - 4 star rating 

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In Odyssey news, there's a new podcast out that reviews popular radio dramas such as Adventures i Odyssey, and Lamplighter Theatre.  You can visit the site (it's called Audio Theatre Central) here.  Also, Focus on the Family has a new site, where you can download #52 right now! (and albums #1-#51)  Visit that site here.  And thanks to Brock Eastman for the heads up.  In my opinion, the price for each album is too expensive.  You could almost buy a hard copy of the album for that price.  Anyway...
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