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"Schmoozing Elegantly"

Monday, April 18, 2011  | 

Greetings and Felicitations, my moniker (to borrow the dated vernacular) is Eugenius Meltsner.  My profession is an engineer at a popular ninety-nine shop, and the originator of the charitable non-profit "Mono Sarsum."  My leisure pursuits include the following: schmoozing elegantly, the study of cybernetics, and a variety of other interests.  I am a scholar at what we pupil's like to call the "four C's," that is the Campbell County Community College.  In fact, numerous diurnal's ago, I heard a story of a learned professor who was working near twilight, or so, when some very naughty youth's determined to carry out a very callous lark on this gentleman, when...loudly exclaimer euphenisms escape me!!  It is ten past the o'clock!  My spouse will be quite peeved (to borrow the colloqlialism)  I will have to relate this tale to you at some later period.  But let me tell you, the periodic table of the elements genuinely abetted the professor that night!  Bon voyage, or as some English populace that I am aquainted with like to voice "Cheerio!"

I was feeling in a "Eugene" mood.  25 ToO dollars to anyone who can tell me what he's saying without using a dictionary. :D


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Wow, we got some new cover art that's quite...interesting.

It's quite cool!  Dr. Blackguard looks a bit fake or something.  It looks kind of like fan art.  Hmmm...I think it's cool, and it looks like we'll have some video here too.

Also, the final art for #54 has been released.  You can see that below.  That one's really neat too.  I like the red border.

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