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Surprise Coming Soon?

Monday, February 7, 2011  | 

I'm working on a project that I might or might not decide to release.  I should have it ready in a 1-2 weeks if everything goes well.  I will let you see a picture that is part of my project, but you will never guess in a million years what I'm working on. :)

You can try to guess in the comments if you'd like, but I won't confirm anything.

If you haven't entered our contest yet, you still have time, but you'd better hurry!  Just click the link at the top of the page for more info.

Please comment!  I'd like to hear your speculations. :)

EDIT:  In case you didn't know, you can download the first episode of #53 for free here!  Make sure you buy just the first episode or else you'll pay $17.49.  :)
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