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No more updates...

Friday, June 11, 2010  | 

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In Odyssey news, the AIO Blog has a survey that they want to people to fill out (Find out more here), the Heart of Odyssey's new heartcast is available,  and me and FreddyJay be taking over the Odyssey Blogger Committee.  (Find out about that here.)  Most of this news is about 2 days old, and I'm sorry, but keep reading.

Now on to the most important part of today's post.  I'm sorry to say there will be no more posts for about 2-3 weeks since I will be going to youth camp for a week, and then main camp for a week.  But I'll be back after that long absence.  Hopefully, Focus will have the #52 cover available by then.  :)

The Jubilee Singers Review

Monday, June 7, 2010  | 

A talking portrait of Frederick Douglas tells Olivia Parker the story of the Jubilee Singers.

Things I Liked:
  • I'm glad that the AIO team decided to play the whole Odyssey theme song with Chris's part.
  • I enjoyed the Jubilee Singers' music.  It was very nice.
  • Usually I don't like Red Hollard, but I didn't mind his part in this episode.
  • Mr. Wheeler's lecture of the students grammar was kind of funny.
  • I liked Benjamin's "speech" of his dislike of the condition of the school and the food.
  • I liked Mr. White.  Besides the voice, He stood up to the people who were mean to the students.
  • It was funny when Red Hollard said something like: "Olivia, I bet you're the type of person who reads the end of a book first."  And then Olivia replied with: "No!-Well maybe sometimes."
  • The part where Dr. Wilcott had to admit he was wrong.
  • RED: (Referring to $40,000) "That's a lot of money in those days."  OLIVIA: "That's a lot of money today!"
  • DOUGLAS: "I believe that a gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me."  RED: I'll have to ponder that awhile.
Things I Disliked:

  • The interactive portrait of Frederick Douglas was weird.  It was like he was real.
    • I understand that Mr. Billings (the storekeeper) needed money to run his store, but he still sounded kind of mean.
    • I think that the students should have stood up to Matthew's and his friend.  Of course, it did work out in the end.
    • It was kind of dumb for the students to keep their songs hidden up.  Mr. White was trying to help them so they could get an education, and they refused to help by singing their spirituals. 
    • I was kind of surprised that Mr. White put up with the train conductor (when he (conductor) didn't let them sit in first-class.)  They could have at least gotten their money back.  
    • The hotel owner was mean.
    • Red kind of stepped into Whit's place in this episode, and talked to Olivia, a little bit, about the importance of schoolwork.

    I've seen that a lot of people liked this episode.  They liked it so much that they gave it a 5-star rating.  And to be honest, I'm not sure why.  In my opinion, this episode was fine…but just OK.  I loved the music.  But the rest…I didn't really care for.  I enjoyed "Target of the Week" and "When You're Right, You're Right" much more.

    Rating: 21/2 Stars

    News Bits

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    Brock Eastman released a photo recently with a picture of "Cause and Effect" in the background.  You can see the picture here.  Whit and Eugene are definitely in the cover, but I'm not sure about the other person.  I saw that someone said it might be Matthew.  We'll have to wait and see.

    In more recent news, the Odyssey ScoopCast 4.5 is out.  Plus they've updated their "Where Odyssey is Not" section.

    Hopefully I'll be releasing a podcast this year.  I don't know when, but I'm working on that possibility. 

    One more thing.  I'll be posting my review for "Jubilee Singers" hopefully later today.

    That's all for now.

    Luke's Random Ramblings

    Friday, June 4, 2010  | 

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    Odyssey news is VERY slow lately. You can now vote in the Avery Awards (I like the name) at I already submitted my vote as well as probably all of you. If you're getting bored waiting for album 52, then you should log onto and listen to the stories they have there. They're really good and professional. We just finished listening to "A Peep Behind the Scenes." Sad, but good all the same. You could also listen to programs, like "Jungle Jam and Friends," "Jonathan Park," (Peachey Keen's been telling me about that one) and "Down Gilead Lane." (Sorry, I don't have any links.) Have a good weekend everyone!

    Get a ToO Dollar + be Entered Into Next Contest!

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010  | 

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    Wanna win some free ToO money?  Take our short survey and you'll receive a free ToO buck!*  Note:  You must have a ToO account.

    But even if you don't have an account, you'll be entered automatically into our next contest! (We'll email you when we have our next one) So scroll up and take our survey now.

    *While Supplies Last
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